Industrial Visit at BatliBoi Ltd., Udhna – 2016
September 23, 2016
Two day workshop on Computer Aided Thermal Fluid System Analysis
October 3, 2016
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One day workshop on Fundamentals and Industrial applications of Pumps

"One day workshop on Fundamentals and Industrial applications of Pumps" was organised by Department of Automobile and Mechanical Engineering, CGPIT, UTU, Maliba campus on 24th September 2016. Pump has a vital role in fluid transfer or fluid pressurisation in Process, power, dying and other industries. Various types of pumps are available which has its own applicability and limitations, to choose the correct pump for the required application is important. Operation of pump is also affected by suction head, speed variation, flow variation etc. Further the pumps are external power consuming devices which required an attention of energy conservation aspects and hence proper knowledge of Best Efficiency Point.

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