- About the Department
- Department of Mechatronics Engineering: Vision and Mission
- Head of Department
- Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
- Syllabus FacultyCommittee MembersEvents
About the Department
Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 2010 to accomplish the necessity of competent Mechanical engineers in the current phase of infrastructure development in the state as well as nation. To realize, the curriculum has been designed with close interaction of faculty members with the experts from the industries.
To have hands-on experience, laboratories are developed indigenously. The department owns laboratories in the area of Fluid engineering, Thermal engineering, Mechanical Measurement, Manufacturing engineering, Automobile engines, Automobile systems etc.
In favor of the overall development of students, the department follows holistic approach that incorporates career counseling, industrial tour and professional society related exercises along with academic activities. Faculty members are well qualified and acquainted with industrial practices. Industrial affiliations are established by signing MoUs (Memorandum of Understanding) with some industries in the areas like fabrication, process, automobile and manufacturing.
The department aims to be comprehensive of all segments of the society by providing educational courses of ITI, B. Tech., M. Tech. and Ph. D.
Perceives to be accepted center of quality technical education based on innovation and academic excellence for the society as a whole.
Aspire to spread technical knowledge to its undergraduate, postgraduate and research scholar to meet intellectual, ethical and professional challenges for sustainable growth of humanity.
Head of Department
Dr. Chinmay Desai
HOD, Mechanical/Mechatronics Engineering Department, CGPIT.

Message for Students
Dear Students,
Welcome to the Department of Mechanical/Mechatronics Engineering CGPIT, UTU Maliba.We started our journey in the year of 2010. Over the last decade, we have grown our expertise and competence in the core Mechanical/Mechatronics Engineering curriculum and research to accomplish the necessity of competent Mechanical/Automobile engineers in the current phase of infrastructure development in the state as well as nation. We have diploma and undergraduate program in Mechanical/Mechatronics engineering. At the post graduate level, we offer M. Tech. in Thermal System Design and Automobile engineering. The PhD program is also offered in the department. The department has started B.Tech programme in Mechatronics Engineering from this year (2018).
The primary focus of our curriculum is to impart technical know-how to students, promote their problem-solving skills and innovation of new technologies. Department offers large number of optional courses for providing wide spectrum of options to the students to pursue their interest. The course contents are periodically updated for introducing new scientific and technological developments.
To have hands-on experience, laboratories are developed indigenously. The department owns laboratories in the area of Fluid engineering, Thermal engineering, Mechanical Measurement, Manufacturing engineering, Automobile engines, Automobile systems etc. Center of excellence developed by BOSCH is started and training is provided to the seekers from the institute as well as from outside. The department has well equipped workshop facility with Lathe, Drill Machine, Shapers, TIG, MIG, Gas welding, casting, CNC and Wheel alignment and balancing setups with advance technology.
In favor of the overall development of students, the department follows holistic approach that incorporates career counseling, industrial tour and professional society related exercises along with academic activities. The Department has total 68 faculties are there out of which 5 has completed Ph.D and 10 are pursuing their Ph.D. and rest are well qualified, experienced and acquainted with industrial practices. Most of our faculties are gold medalist of their respective specialization. Industrial affiliations are established by signing MoUs (Memorandum of Understanding) with some industries in the areas like fabrication processes, automobile and manufacturing.
The department aims to be comprehensive of all segments of the society by providing educational courses of Diploma, B. Tech., M. Tech. and PhD.Our department looks forward to contribute in solving the technological challenges of the society with active participation from all sections of the society.
Thank you for visiting us.
Best wishes,
Dr. Chinmay Desai, PhD
Head of the Department and Professor,
Department of Mechanical/Mechatronics Engineering
B.Tech Mechanical Engineering
After successful completion of programme graduate will able to:
1. PSO 1: Apply their knowledge in the domain of engineering mechanics, thermal and fluid sciences to solve engineering problems utilizing advanced technology.
2. PSO 2: Successfully apply the principles of design, analysis and implementation of mechanical systems/processes which have been learned as a part of the curriculum.
3. PSO 3: Develop and implement new ideas on product design and development with the help of modern CAD/CAM tools, while ensuring best manufacturing practices.
4. PSO 4: To enable the student to take-up career in industries or to pursue higher studies in mechanical and interdisciplinary programs with high regard for ethical values, environmental and social issues
5. PSO 5: Engage professionally in industries or as an entrepreneur by applying manufacturing and management practices.
B.Tech Mechatronics Engineering
After successful completion of programme graduate will able to:
1. PSO 1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and mechatronic engineering to frame and decode the problems.
2. PSO 2: An ability to exhibit the knowledge of electrical and electronic circuits, Hydraulic & Pneumatic control system, logic design and image processing using hardware and soft programming for automation.
3. PSO 3: Capable to synthesis and analysis of mechanisms which integrate computers, sensors, and actuators to meet the needs for evaluating system performance with respect to specifications.
4. PSO 4: An ability to understand the current standards & developments on the front of quality assurance and reliability.
5. PSO 5: Able to function independently to prove their knowledge of multiple disciplines of engineering.