The Two days workshop “Introduction to NodeJs and Express JS”.
September 9, 2018
A Technical Paper Presentation on “Recent Trends on Structural Engineering (RTSE-18)”
October 10, 2018
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Dr. Manoj J. Gundalia, Associate Professor and Head, Civil Engineering Department, CGPIT, UTU delivered expert lecture for the final year students of B. Tech and Diploma of Om engineering College, Junagadh on 25th August, 2018

Dr. Manoj J. Gundalia, Associate Professor and Head, Civil Engineering Department, CGPIT, UTU delivered expert lecture for the final year students of B. Tech and Diploma of Om engineering College, Junagadh on 25th August, 2018. Dr. N. M. Sureja, Director, Om Engineering College welcomed Dr. Gundalia with Buckeye. Dr. Gundalia explained each terminology related to Irrigation in detail. He also explored the design technique of latest micro irrigation system. About 200 students along with faculty members participated in that expert lecture. The session was not only much interactive and helpful but opened new windows of knowledge in the field of irrigation techniques for the students. The session was ended with vote of thanks by Prof. Hemal M. Bhimjiani, Head Civil Department

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